Emergency Senior Services (ESS)

Some older persons find themselves faced with the loss of continued health and safety and without personal or alternative community resources to secure needed assistance. This program is also for older adults with an accumulation of health, psychological, social, economic, and environmental problems which place them at risk of losing independence.

What can emergency senior services help me with?

Medical Care and Supplies
  • Dentures, partials, or other necessary dental prosthetics
  • Eye Glasses
  • Health Screening: Services to identify and evaluate the health needs of older adults
    • Physical screening, referrals, health consultation, education, etc.
  • Medication
  • Medication Management Screening: Services to educate and assist older adults to use medication properly
    • Screening and education programs to prevent incorrect medication and adverse drug interactions
  • Mental Health Screening: Screening services to educate and improve mental health among older adults
    • Coordination of community mental health services, provision of educational activities, and referral to psychiatric and psychological services
Environmental and Material Aids

Assistive Technology: an item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase. maintain, to improve the functional capabilities of participants.

Emergency Utility Assistance
  • May include one-time assistance to pay for outstanding utility bills.
    • A long-term plan for sustainability should be considered beforehand to ensure that the ongoing need to pay monthly utility bills is going to be met.
Emergency Rent/Mortgage
  • May include one-time assistance to pay for outstanding rent or mortgage.
  • A long-term plan for sustainability should be considered beforehand to ensure that the ongoing need to pay monthly rent or mortgage payments is going to be met.
Nutrition Services
  • Provided to assist older adults to live independently by promoting better health through improved nutrition and reduced isolation through a program coordinated with other supportive services
    • Services may include preparation of meals, service of meals, transport of meals, and nutrition education.
Housing Assistance
  • Technical help to relocate or obtain more suitable housing that the individual can afford.
    • The services EXCLUDE direct financial assistance to individuals for the purpose of obtaining housing.
Material Aid

This may include the one-time purchase of food, clothing, furniture, or other household items that will have an impact on the health and safety of the client.

What is Not Allowed by Emergency Senior Services?
  • Services provided by the Medicaid State Plan, CCP, Medicaid, Medicare, or other liable third- parties (private insurance) must be documented
  • Services, goods, supports or gifts provided to or benefiting individuals other than the client or primary caregiver
  • Bill or fees outside the allowable goods and services categorized above (Credit cards, monthly telephone bills, annual property taxes)
  • Vacation or recreational expenses
  • Alcohol, tobacco, and lottery tickets.

For more information or to see if you qualify for Emergency Senior Services Spending, call 815-723-9713.