
Corporate & Foundation

Support from corporate and private foundations can come by supplying volunteers for designated projects or events, through matching gifts made by employees, sponsorships or through direct cash donations..

  • Landscaping projects
  • Internal paint parties
  • Clean and organize days
  • Employee match campaign
  • Event sponsorship
  • Project sponsorship
  • Direct donation

Corporations and Foundations interested in making a donation which require additional information may request our full disclosure package.

Senior Resource Festival

The annual Senior Resource Festival is an extravaganza of music, entertainment, screenings, education and giveaways. Held each August many organizations, companies, and service providers who assist seniors choose to sponsor and or display a booth at the event. Various levels provide higher degree of exposure to the attendees and at the conclusion of the festival, a mailing list is distributed to the vendors allowing them to continue their conversation of assistance with the seniors after the event.

Over 300 seniors and more than 50 vendors are present for this one day free event.